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Keynote Sessions and Custom Workshops


Forget about ordinary speakers — re-energize your organization! Lighten up with Liz!


Liz offers a variety of programs that can be tailored to the individual needs of your organization and audience. She will work closely with you to identify your specific needs for your presentation and can created a 3 hour or all-day workshop. You can combine two of the keynotes for a 3-hour program, or take a little from all of them to make-up an all- day institute created just for you!

Audiences describe Liz’s presentations as uplifting, motivational and fun.  However they also clearly respect her practical and experience-based style.  Your team will enjoy her creative and viable suggestions for addressing some of the difficult issues facing organizations today. Listed below are some of Liz’s most requested Keynote Presentations. Scroll down to see Liz in action! 

Accountability…Turn (limited) Resources into Results!


In this very personal presentation, Liz Jazwiec will reveal the lessons she learned about becoming a leader in difficult times. The participants will benefit from her perspective of healthcare management and what guidance, mentoring and direction is needed from all leaders in order to achieve results even when resources are limited. Moving from thinking like a “renter” to owner and eliminating victim thinking at all levels of the organization begins the discussion. Then she swings into the heart of the matter, accountability. Liz’s extraordinary message will touch the leader in all of us as she talks about the difficult subjects of changing behaviors, and managing morale. Using effective tools and her notorious humor, Liz will provide great take-aways on techniques to improve responsibility and effective practices in creating organizational accountability.

Yippee! Another Day in Paradise! …Driving negativity out of the workplace

Continuous workplace negativity saps the energy out of an organization and distracts everyone from work and productivity. It is not okay to come to work everyday in a bad mood because the job is hard! Liz knows that “if you don't like your customer, you won't like your job,” but she also knows what works to improve both! This is the message that Liz Jazwiec will discuss by telling her personal story, laced with her notorious humor and effective tools to manage morale, eliminate victim thinking, and eradicate judging. Using real-life examples from her 25 plus years in healthcare leadership, she will provide a straightforward approach to the connection between customer and staff satisfaction, having fun at work and choosing to be happy.

Adaptive Leadership 

In this very personal presentation, Liz Jazwiec will reveal the lessons she’s learned about being a leader in difficult times.  The participants will benefit from her healthcare management perspective and what guidance, mentoring, and direction are needed to achieve results even during the most challenging times. Her message will touch all of us as she talks about the difficult subject of leading in times of crisis, uncertainty, and sometimes even fear. You will recognize her trademark practical suggestions on supporting strong teams by focusing on collaboration, communication, and compassion. The connection between commitment and resiliency will be discussed as well as the importance of providing emotional support for team members. Liz will finish her presentation with an encouraging and resounding call to action for all leaders

Self Care for the Selfless

In this important and timely presentation, Liz will focus on the importance of self-care as an essential survival skill for anyone working in healthcare today. As practiced and skilled in helping others, we are often not so great at helping ourselves. Often, just the term self-care brings up feelings of discomfort and guilt. All participants will benefit from tactics and techniques shared to recognize stress in its early stages, implement both emotional and physical self-care strategies, and most importantly, keep ourselves from sliding into negative, self-destructive habits. She concludes with a straightforward approach to the importance of our collaboration with others in fostering a healthy work environment by focusing on our strengths as individuals as well as the abilities of our teams.

Online Coaching


Let Liz’s many years of experience in designing tailor-made programs work for you. She can coach individual leaders as well as organizational divisions and departments via on-line communication. This personalized interaction fosters development and drives results.


Or if you don’t need on-going coaching but seek more than just a keynote presentation, she will create a customized workshop for your entire team. Contact her today so that she can design a plan that will meet your and your organization’s specific needs.

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